Author: Jon

And no, not the good type of liquid… This morning I got a really bad case of diarrhea. And it was the morning I was to go over my notes one more time before me Veterinary Medicine I exam today. Needless to say, because of my condition (which lasted a good part of the day), I didn’t attend class until I really had to leave my room to head to the exam. My mind was flustered, my head was aching…

So remember that I told you guys that I was an honorary member of the Lady Veterinarian (LV) organization at UPLB? (You may think that’s weird, but hey, the ladies love me… haha, joke 😛 ). Well they were nice enough to have a gathering today in Caliraya, Laguna. It’s about an hour and a half away from here in Los Banos, so the girls chartered a jeep and by 9:30 this morning we were off to have some fun…

Cystocentesis Surgery

Ahhhhh, so the week is almost over. It’s Thursday night and I’m sitting at home after some dinner and just relaxing for a bit. I had my physiology lab test today which went alright for the most part and then had to run to surgery afterwards to help my friend Faye with a cystocentesis and cystotomy procedure. We finished within 2 hours and everyone worked hard, so we were the first ones out of the 3 groups in lab today…

So this week has been a blur. I say that a lot I know, but seriously, I look at this past week and ask myself, “Where the hell has all the time gone?” This week, if you haven’t already guessed, has been extremely busy for me and it won’t stop until probably until Friday afternoon. A break down of my schedule is as follows for classes during a typical week: Monday/Wednesday 11-12pm :: Pathology Class 12-1pm :: Lunch 1-2pm ::…

So while having dinner tonight I decided that my blog site should look a little different. Don’t really know why I thought it should have a new layout, but I decided to go for it since it’s been something that’s been in the back of my head recently. I like the site the way it is, but I guess I just wanted to do a little tweaking and see what I could come up with. So there you go… a…

There are two relatively new groups to the KPOP world which have started to flicker on my KPOP radar. Those two groups are TS Entertainment’s 4-member group Secret, and also DSP Entertainment’s 7-member group Rainbow. The main reasons these two have started to shine a little brighter on my KPOP radar were the new songs they both released just recently. Secret released their new song “Madonna” and Rainbow released a new single called “A”. Here’s the MV for Secret’s “Madonna”…

Orange Caramel

I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile, but haven’t gotten around to it until now. I really wanted to start doing little reviews of some of the new KPOP artists that have been popping up lately, and this new group Orange Caramel is one of them. The reason I wanted to put out my thoughts about this group is because I really love the group After School, which is headed by Pledis Entertainment. After School if you don’t know…

So lately, I’ve had a lot of things to do and on that list of things to do was to head up the surgery team this week in a routine canine castration. Well routine to most vets nowadays who perform this procedure (also called “orchiectomy” or “orchidectomy” ). I set up the protocol for this procedure myself the Monday before our surgery, which was to be held on the following Thursday. We established our roles as nurse, assistant surgeon and…

Ah, these past three days have been really exhausting, but full of good things. On Friday me and my junior clinician group headed down to UP Diliman to finish up our first week of Companion Animal clinics at the teaching hospital. To tell you frankly, it was a lot of fun, but some of the clients that I dealt with weren’t really interested in their pets. We had some interesting cases, but I felt that the majority of people I…

While I was away from the internet world I’ve been busying myself with exams and also tons of surgeries. For those of you who don’t already know, we have to run a surgery each week. We do our pre-operative exams on Tuesdays and then perform the actual procedure on the animal on the following Thursday. This gives us enough time to see if our animals we picked are fit for surgery. This past week I was the head surgeon for…

Or at least it seems like it! I’m sorry for not commenting on this blog earlier. Like I said before, my internet was cut off about a week and a half ago due to the monsoon that occurred here then. What happened I found out later was that the monsoon had brought down a telephone pole (might I add, it was the ONLY telephone pole in the area) near my place which happened to supply my internet. So, after a…

So I’m here in an internet shop in the middle of Los Banos. My internet during the last few days has been down because of the crazy storm we had a couple of days ago. The internet shop is filled with people screaming mostly because they’re playing their MMOs (massively-multiplayer online games) and it’s a little annoying, but then again, it’s an internet shop which specializes in gaming. Guess I can’t really complain there. I am in THEIR territory after…