Category: Blog

What a rainy day today! Earlier this morning I went out to pick up some food and earlier this afternoon my Pathology groupmates Belle and James came over to complete a report on blood smears and examination of red blood cells. But now it’s totally pouring. I heard a strike of thunder and then the sky started crying. I guess it’s the start of the Philippines’ rainy season. Recently, I’ve been watching a cartoon series called Avatar: The Last Airbender…

So our first surgery of the year has been completed, and it was as tiring as heck! During this semester, I’m in Surgery II, which means that this time around, instead of learning the fundamentals of going into surgery, we will actually be conducting real surgeries on different systems each week. That means we always need at least a cat or dog to take care of each week of the year. Tuesdays are our pre-operative days where we run all…

So today I just wrapped up my 2nd day at UP Diliman. For the last two weeks we were to report to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in the University of the Philippines: Diliman in Manila for a two-part orientation. Today we wrapped it up and had some fun in the end. Now, before I go on, I have to tell you guys that I’m feeling really under the weather right now and I’m not sure how much I will really…

Hey everybody! I thought I’d fill you guys in on what’s been happening with me these last few weeks, as I haven’t been around the last month to really say anything here. I’ve kind of been on a hiatus of sorts during that time, and wherever I used to be active online I wasn’t for that time period (sorry to all my readers and to those at WGSpectacle — mianhe) As you all probably know, I ended my summer classes…

Sorry for not posting lately. Things have been a blur since I’ve come back from NY and yes guys, this is the start of my 5th semester here at the University of the Philippines: Los Banos. I’ve been in class for just over 2 weeks now and so far it’s been going well. Most of the teachers I have this semester are interesting people. I’m really excited for my surgery and clinician rotations this year. This time around, I’m a…

Sorry I haven’t updated much about my summer classes. I’m really only taking one summer class right now and it’s really a pain. I’ve been really busy just studying, doing work and chillin’ out this summer. It’s really something. You’d think that I’d have more time to blog since I’m only really taking one class but the thing is because I have so much extra time, I actually go out and do stuff. It seems that the busier I am…

Funny how things change within a few days. One day you’ll be happy talking to someone and the next thing you know it you’ll have a surprise confrontation come up out of nowhere. I deal with different people everyday and it’s amazing how some of them can change in the blink of an eye. Sometimes you think you know someone and then all of a sudden you see this side to them you never saw before. Things as simple as…

Now, I know that at one point in your life you’ve probably heard this saying or at least something similar to that.  “Kids are the future…”  It has a catchy ring to it right? Well, my blogger friend Kendra (who has just become a new doctor by the way), posted this video up awhile ago.  It’s a TED talk from awhile back.  I wondered why the girl in the opening screenshot looked so young and short… I thought at first…

So that pretty much sums up my year so far. I’m done with finals week. I’m going to go around these next two weeks before summer school starts and just chill out for awhile. My plans? Right now I’ll stay in Los Banos for bit. This weekend I’ll be hitting up my cousin’s place for a few days, and then I might come back to do registration. However, I just found out that for one of my summer classes I…

I needed to take a break from studying. I have a really huge Parasitology final tomorrow and I’ve been studying for hours. I really need to stop and take a short break, because my head is going crazy with all these freakin’ parasite life cycles and names. And what I’m afraid of is actually forgetting them tomorrow. Aish, I really hope they stick. 😛 Anyway, today I found out that I passed my Surgery I class. All in all I…

Yessir, finals here are at the University of the Philippines: Los Banos are still taking place and guess what? It’s HARD! Hahaha… So, I took a Pharmacology final on Wednesday, which really sucked. It was basically an exam made of 3 professor’s parts, so in essence it was 3 exams in the span of an hour. 3/4 of it was alright, since at least it was multiple choice, but then again, there was a whole part that was solely identification…

… okay, so not literally dying, but I think you get what I’m saying.  It’s getting pretty ridiculous.  I’ve come over the hump today with the amount of exams per day, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a bumpy ride. So I had three exams today.  Pretty much back to back.  So three exams, yeah?  Surgery first, Equine Production second and Parasitology Lab Final last. So I spent a lot of last night trying to cope with all the…