Author: Jon

The combination might not seem like it goes together, but it does tonight. Especially for me! It was another exhausting day for me. Started off with pathology lab where we first needed to get horse blood and examine it. Then afterwards we had our research class, physiology class, and then a pre-operative examination for our next surgical procedure at the Tabon Veterinary Teaching Hospital. I’ll be Assistant Surgeon for the procedure which is esophagostomy. My friend Faye will be heading…

So today I didn’t have such a great day. I kinda lost one of our dogs and most of the day was spent looking for her. Then, I had to work on a Pathology report that we thought should’ve taken only and hour or two but took five instead. After that I made some dinner, which was some Temaki-sushi (hand-rolled sushi) with yummy tuna and cucumber and some seaweed. It was my first time making some sushi-rice and it was…

…as one of my favorite Scrubs characters, Elliot would say. I woke up this morning and found one of our dogs’ cages was open and our front gate was open as well. Our dog is now missing. I don’t know what to do and who the jerk is who let the dog out of the cage in the first place without securing the gate. Now we’ll have to see if we can find her. Gosh, what is it with people…

And it certainly is true. It’s about 10pm right now and I’m just about to go to bed. Today was an exhausting day with classes and lab up until 3pm. At that point I was the anesthetist for our surgical procedure (which wasn’t really surgical, I suppose) which was for tartar removal. The procedure went well… the dog we treated now has whiter teeth than me. 😛 Tomorrow I’ll be headed to the University of the Philippines: Diliman to go…

I know I’ll be having a lot of these types of days in the near future, but today was just a lot of fail. Not in a totally horrible sense, but in general it was just frustrating. I woke up at 5:30 this morning to get ready for class and to help my friends James and Belle get their dog for a pre-operative examination since we had a class at 7:30. This week our surgical procedure is a simple tartar…

Just came back from an exhausting day at school. Not to mention it was raining immensely again today. I think we’re in the middle of monsoon season… today the rain just poured and poured and poured. While looking back at my blog I’ve made a few tweaks… and added a few things to make the site more dynamic. There’s now a “Featured Posts” sliding display at the top of the main page. There you’ll see some of the posts that…

After writing my last post I was compelled to do more research on the subject. While watching the Nickelodeon series of Avatar: The Last Airbender I recognized a familiar voice, a voice of a Filipino-American actor who has been a somewhat famous Asian American star in the past. He is Dante Basco and was the voice of Prince Zuko in the cartoon series, the estranged Fire Nation prince. He had a lot to say about the “boycott” that is going…

What a rainy day today! Earlier this morning I went out to pick up some food and earlier this afternoon my Pathology groupmates Belle and James came over to complete a report on blood smears and examination of red blood cells. But now it’s totally pouring. I heard a strike of thunder and then the sky started crying. I guess it’s the start of the Philippines’ rainy season. Recently, I’ve been watching a cartoon series called Avatar: The Last Airbender…

So our first surgery of the year has been completed, and it was as tiring as heck! During this semester, I’m in Surgery II, which means that this time around, instead of learning the fundamentals of going into surgery, we will actually be conducting real surgeries on different systems each week. That means we always need at least a cat or dog to take care of each week of the year. Tuesdays are our pre-operative days where we run all…

So today I just wrapped up my 2nd day at UP Diliman. For the last two weeks we were to report to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in the University of the Philippines: Diliman in Manila for a two-part orientation. Today we wrapped it up and had some fun in the end. Now, before I go on, I have to tell you guys that I’m feeling really under the weather right now and I’m not sure how much I will really…

Hey everybody! I thought I’d fill you guys in on what’s been happening with me these last few weeks, as I haven’t been around the last month to really say anything here. I’ve kind of been on a hiatus of sorts during that time, and wherever I used to be active online I wasn’t for that time period (sorry to all my readers and to those at WGSpectacle — mianhe) As you all probably know, I ended my summer classes…

Sorry for not posting lately. Things have been a blur since I’ve come back from NY and yes guys, this is the start of my 5th semester here at the University of the Philippines: Los Banos. I’ve been in class for just over 2 weeks now and so far it’s been going well. Most of the teachers I have this semester are interesting people. I’m really excited for my surgery and clinician rotations this year. This time around, I’m a…