Tag: finals

I needed to take a break from studying. I have a really huge Parasitology final tomorrow and I’ve been studying for hours. I really need to stop and take a short break, because my head is going crazy with all these freakin’ parasite life cycles and names. And what I’m afraid of is actually forgetting them tomorrow. Aish, I really hope they stick. 😛 Anyway, today I found out that I passed my Surgery I class. All in all I…

Yessir, finals here are at the University of the Philippines: Los Banos are still taking place and guess what? It’s HARD! Hahaha… So, I took a Pharmacology final on Wednesday, which really sucked. It was basically an exam made of 3 professor’s parts, so in essence it was 3 exams in the span of an hour. 3/4 of it was alright, since at least it was multiple choice, but then again, there was a whole part that was solely identification…

I’m sorry I haven’t posted in awhile. I’ve been really busy with school and since it’s the end of the semester I’ve been in the middle of dealing with finals and such. Yesterday I took my Immunology final. I really hope that I did well enough to pass the class. It was a straightforward final and I’m hoping that my answers were what my professor was looking for. I was able to answer all of the questions on the test…