Hey everyone,
Welcome to my web-site! This place has been through a lot of changes lately, but for those who have been keeping up with this blog you’ll notice a big change. There is a fresh new design marking a fresh new start for me as a blogger.
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Jon and I live in New York City. I work as a veterinarian in the city, but my other interests include Asian culture, graphic and web-design, tennis, playing the piano and hanging out with friends.
JoNPiNoY Productions used to chronicle my life as a vet student and through my undergrad career at Cornell University. It also used to house a past project of mine, “The Pillow Book Chronicles”, which was a web-comic that I had started back in 2005. Since then, my life has evolved from college student and artist to veterinarian and things have changed. How so you may ask? Well, I guess I’ve delve into that in some future posts.
So welcome to my new home on the web. To my previous readers, thanks for stopping by and checking in. To the newbies, I hope you’ll come along with me for the ride.
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